Well here we are...! After many years of computer literacy I have finally taken the plunge into the world of blogging. First of all I will explain my motivation for such a quest; It was very simply Mr Samuel Skerritt, he'd complimented me on my writing several weeks back and suggested I start my own blog, beats Facebook notes he said, and I reckon there is a million and one reasons now I've reached my fifth line of blogging why I do actually feel I will get much more satisfaction from this. The most important of which, being that it has the potential to reach a much wider audience, who knows, I may even earn Internet notoriety for some future controversial blog (cue Twilight Zone music).
I shouldn't imagine most people have very much to write about in their initial jaunt into blogging, and as I sit here now with the clock ticking towards 1am, I do find myself with lots to say, but very little to write.
What I will do however is briefly touch on a few things about myself, a few people around me, and some things that people have asked me to elaborate on. So that you, the reader, know a little bit more about the person who is wasting a few moments of your time, the cast and crew in my life, and where the blog will be going in the coming few editions.
Firstly the Blog itself, will have each and every edition titled with a Labyrinth themed title.....why you ask? Well contrary to what one reader may think, despite stealing the main heading of my blog from one of their photo albums, they know as well as I do that they stole it from the film, and I hold that scene in just as higher regard as they do. It isn't a reference to anything except a great film, and a great story, and that's what all our lives are right? A great story?
A little about me then. I am, as of writing a 30 year old male with many interests and loves. A love of sports, and an avid follower of Sheffield Wednesday and the LA Lakers. I watch very little television, but have a huge of love film and cinema. I follow the news. I appreciate food, but don't eat enough. I've had a bumpy love life, and despite finding my true love, continue to have a bumpy love life. I have a very intriguing family, and all of which in this paragraph will no doubt be touched upon in future blogs.
As will be my giving a definition of what I believe Love is, as I was asked to do so by a very dear person to me recently, unfortunately I could not give an answer straight away, as the twisted recesses of my brain needs a little time to define something as complicated and twisted as the second greatest gift on Earth.
The greatest thing being that which will come into my life, just as the flowers, and as everything else that is beautiful about spring appears, so too will my first child!
And lastly for our first edition I'll list you off some names, and the role they play in what I am beginning to believe is a real life version of The Truman Show, only with me as Truman Burbank.
Aimee Swaap - My Sister, my rock, my confidant
Dani Reeve - Mother of our child-to-be, and the toughest girl in the world
Suzan Swaap - My Mother
David Swaap - My Father
Sophie Howson - Probably my best friend, I just don't confide in her enough
Teresa Szmigelskyj - Sophie's Girlfriend, and I truly believe the female me, legend
Sherry Pratt - My longest time friend
Lucy Roddis - My Guardian Angel (possible dead though :S )
Paul Hemmington-Page - Father to my sisters son Ethan, and a very good friend
In closing, I would like to add that if you aren't mentioned that doesn't mean you play no part in my life, I am merely only naming people who will get a mention in upcoming blogs. And finally, this Blog will contain raw truth, if what you read you do not like then either comment saying so, or stop reading all together. I've learnt alot of lessons over the last few years, and lying and dishonesty only ruins lives. That will not be a path I will we pursuing anytime soon.
(Hopefully I'll come up with a nice line to finish each blog off with...Any suggestion? Comment below)
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